The MO Better Burger project brings MO restaurants, brewpubs, burger joints & burger lovers together for a good cause -- the MO Better Foundation, dedicated to helping Missourians living with disabilities
There are no up-front costs to participate and you can choose any time of the year -- and any burger -- that works best Participating restaurants, food trucks, brewpubs and agree to create or designate a signature burger “more better than the rest” and put it on tap in its tasting room throughout (whenever and for however long it works best with production schedule). Additionally, each participating restaurant has agreed to donate $1 (or other agreed upon amount) to MO Better Foundation for every burger sold throughout the time period.
The “MO BETTER BURGER PROJECT" is based on a partnership between each restaurant and MO Better Foundation and is designed to be mutually beneficial.
Each participating restaurant/location has agreed to donate a minimum of $1 (or other agreed upon amount) to MO Better Foundation for every designated burger sold throughout the time period
POP material and promotional material (copy for social media, paid advertisement, newsletters, etc.) will be created by MO Better and made available to all to support the program
Each participant agrees to support the program through its scheduled time period through social media and other promotional measures
MO Better Foundation will promote the program to its constituents and the community at-large through targeted email blasts, a specialized website, social media sites
The program can be tailored, as agreed upon by both, to best meet establishment’s needs.